This morning on the bus to school I was the victim of a public transit atrocity.
The bus effortlessly plowed through the inch of snow covering the park and ride lot on its way to the stop 4o yards away, in the corner of the lot. As it rounded the corner to pull into the lot, I glanced up to see who might be waiting at the stop. At first, it wasn't clear, but as we drew closer, I could see two people. The bus was fairly full, and I had an empty seat next to me, near the front of the bus- very accessible. I ceded that I would share the ride to the train station as I had done many a time before. This did not trouble me, even though I had been troubled earlier by the tardiness of the bus at my stop.
As we pulled up to the stop, a woman emerged from the cover of the bus stop quickly. She was overweight, dressed in green nurses pants and a knitted brown sweater that was too big and very ugly. She had hair that was light brown and too long, and glasses that were too big. She screamed "no class". Her mouth was flapping incessantly, although she wore a smirk as if to say "you're late- I do my job, you obviously can't do yours". I could tell she was upset, but not in the usual angry sort of way, rather in a murmuring sort of way.
As she boarded the bus, she kept ranting, now directing her rant to the driver. The driver answered simply, albeit interrupting her rant, which did not have an end. She began down the isle and stopped by my neighboring seat- she had found her spot. She turned her back to me to sit, still ranting.
As she began to sit, I performed a quick calculation of her sitting trajectory and- no! she was too close! Her big green back side was already coming down, almost in excruciating slow motion. I was pinned the wall of the bus. I had no escape. And then...she sat on me.
"Excuse me" she said.
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