Friday, February 22, 2008

I am Iron Man

My mission trainer is a triathlon "enthusiast". I've always wanted to do one, mostly because I think it is just about the toughest thing anyone can do. And I'm all about tough.

So, last Saturday, I flip on the TV and the Ironman is on. I watch as the best cross the finish line. The women's winner was a girl from England and she was absolutely beaming. She was ear to ear smiling- pure joy. I didn't get to see team Hoyt- the father/disabled son pair. There were 60+ year-old folks finishing- one blind, led by is son. One of the coolest was the man with prosthetic legs.

After watching all these people finish, I decided I want that feeling, so I emailed my trainer at told him that in 5 years, we're doing Ironman.

1 comment:

Jen Barnes said...

Okay, how what does ironman involve? Hmmm... so marathon, triathalon, etc. come first right? Good goal!